Raycham , Day one at Formnext 2023

來(lái)源:中科煜宸  作者:中科煜宸  時(shí)間:2024-07-17 13:30:32  已閱:0

2023年11月7日,全球最大的增材制造展會(huì )—Formnext 2023在德國法蘭克福盛大開(kāi)幕。本屆展會(huì )共迎來(lái)超840家國際增材制造參展商,近80家中國企業(yè)。

The Formnext 2023, the world's largest additive manufacturing exhibition, opened grandly in Frankfurt, Germany on November 7, 2023. The exhibition has attracted over 840 international additive manufacturing exhibitors and nearly 80 Chinese companies.


Raycham, together with its SLM 3D printing, LDM 3D printing technology products, and metal 3D printing software ecosystem, made its debut at the exhibition. Alongside other outstanding domestic and foreign companies, Raycham showcased new products, technologies, and styles, aiming to explore new opportunities in the international additive manufacturing market.

Exhibition Site

展會(huì )首日 現場(chǎng)直擊

Formnext作為歐洲首屈一指的增材制造技術(shù)的專(zhuān)業(yè)展覽會(huì ),參觀(guān)者絡(luò )繹不絕,來(lái)自世界各地的訪(fǎng)客在中科煜宸展區駐足觀(guān)摩,體驗金屬3D打印的魅力并交流合作意向。

As a leading professional exhibition for additive manufacturing technology in Europe, Formnext attracts a continuous stream of visitors. Visitors from all over the world stopped by Raycham's booth to observe and experience the charm of metal 3D printing and discuss cooperation opportunities.

* 中科煜宸金屬3D打印工藝展品

Exhibition of metal 3D printing process

* 中科煜宸金屬3D打印軟件家族

Metal 3D printing software family

作為國內金屬3D打印設備制造的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè),中科煜宸擁有“材料-裝備-工業(yè)軟件-服務(wù)”全系列產(chǎn)品線(xiàn),關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)域占有率“遙遙領(lǐng)先”。此次亮相法蘭克福Formnext,是中科煜宸全面開(kāi)啟拓展海外市場(chǎng)的重要舉措,是一次向用戶(hù)和業(yè)內人士展示創(chuàng )新技術(shù)、應用以及品牌服務(wù)的良好契機。

As a leading domestic manufacturer of metal 3D printing equipment, Raycham has a complete product line of "Materials-Equipment-Industrial Software-Services" and enjoys a significant market share in key areas. The participation in Formnext is an important step for Raycham to expand its overseas market and an excellent opportunity to showcase innovative technologies, applications, and brand services to users and industry professionals.

We are looking for experienced

partners to join us.

攜手經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商 開(kāi)啟新篇章

中科煜宸始終致力于通過(guò)持續的產(chǎn)品研發(fā)與技術(shù)創(chuàng )新,為企業(yè)“走向國際市場(chǎng)”做足準備。在全球增材制造市場(chǎng)規模日益壯大的背景下,我們將攜手合作伙伴積極開(kāi)拓海外市場(chǎng),憑借技術(shù)優(yōu)勢、優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品和一流的服務(wù),不斷實(shí)現新突破。

Raycham has always been committed to preparing enterprises for "entering the international market" through continuous product research and development and technological innovation. Against the backdrop of the rapidly growing global additive manufacturing market, we will actively explore overseas markets in collaboration with our partners, continuously achieving new breakthroughs with our technological advantages, high-quality products, and excellent services.


Find us at Hall 11.0 E34,don't miss out our complete metal 3D printing solutions!
